I got my hair cut the other day.
It looks something like this...
I'm hating it.
Don't get me wrong- it's a great cut.
It just doesn't look good on me.
Something about the front being longer than the back is making my face look too long and my nose look to skinny (and long).
I wish I could pull off long, flowing, wavy locks.
Something like this maybe...
Ohhhh- or this...
I'm loving the bangs!!!
But no.
It would Never- I mean NEVER work.
My nose would look so Looonnnnggg and Skinny and my face would look like it went on for miles and miles...Scary.
I've excepted this about myself.
But I really thought that the cut I just got would be short enough.
I HAVE to have bangs because I'm a freak about my forehead having coverage- So I thought I'd be safe there too.
But NO.
No. I wasn't.
It's not okay.
It's a tragedy actually.
Something Must be done.
Here's the plan...
Love this.
and this.
Pink- "You're my new Hair Hero."
FYI- I'd totally do the blond if I could pull it off- but again- NO.
Oh yes. I think I will.
So what do you think of my choices?
I've totally done the short before. It looks good on me and makes me feel good. I don't even know why I try to go longer.
I guess I just get bored?
Tired of having to get my hair cut every few weeks to keep up with the style?
Tired of looking like I stuck my finger in a light socket while I was sleeping each morning? Most Definitely.
Tired of forking over the hubster's hard earned cash more often?
It's probably a combination of all of the above.
The hubster prefers my hair short like these choices actually. Crazy right?.! Most guys are like-
Insert whining voice-..."Keep your hair long! It's sexier that way."
My man just knows whats up.
What can I say?.
So- It's on my to-do list for the week. Get a Haircut.
Consider it- did.
I'm working on some new projects.
Hence- the fabric explosion taking place in my living room right now...
We live in a 2 bedroom house.
Five of us.
+ the Smelly Beast -aka-our basset hound- see her up there? She smells. Like all the time.
It's tight to say the least.
Unfortunately I don't have any pretty pictures of a pretty craft room to show you.
I wish I did- because it can get pretty wild when Mama starts crafting.
So I've been putting it off.
However- the time has come to get it DONE.
They're going to be bags in case you were wondering (and even if you weren't- I told you anyway)...
Loving Little Baby G's fabric for her new bag...
This one is full of some serious gems...
What do you read for inspiration?
I start getting with it- TOMORROW.
I'll take pictures.
Don't worry.
I'm linking up with Seriously Shawn for Talk To Us Tuesday (even though technically it's Monday) again this week...

Click on the link and go check it out- It's good fun and anything goes!
Well- Until tomorrow- Goodnight!