How was your weekend?
Ours has been Lovely.
I started running two weeks ago with a friend. So my Saturday morning started with a nice run.
Me and the two girls then loaded up and headed over to my brother's to fix my sweet niece and the hubster's super cute little cousin up for prom. I did their hair and makeup- and if I do say so myself- they looked smokin' hot.
Thank you very much.
We came home after that and found the boys watching the Final Four.
Church this morning.
I love our church. It is full of the most wonderful people. People who love their Savior Jesus Christ and love to fellowship together and love each other. It's awesome to be a part of!
I do have some pictures of the prom festivities- they'll come later.
Who knows.
Just later.
I do however have some fun pictures from some fun craft time with Little Miss.
She loves to paint.
Forever ago she found this big, flat rock, and she's been begging me to paint it ever since.
We finally got around to it.
I love how she loves color! Every color of the rainbow- and she's not afraid to slap some of each all over the place!
That's my girl!
All that bright color just makes me happy...
While she was at it she decided to go ahead and decorate the plate too.
It's beautiful isn't it?!. She's quite the artist in the making. Some day when she's famous this rock will sell for millions.
I have an eye for these things.
I love to let the kiddos paint and express themselves. It's good for them to go wild sometimes and to create!
Speaking of creating-
I plan on starting a Link Party for Wednesdays

Crafts, Decorating, Baking, Cooking, Exercising-
Whatever you've found on Pinterest that you've been meaning to do, but you just haven't gotten around to doing because you're too busy pinning more stuff.
Well here's your chance to get it DONE!
Make a tutorial on how you did your project
Show some pictures of your project
Talk about your project
Show a picture of your inspiration project off of Pinterest
Starting this Wednesday- April 10th
See you There!!!

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