When we went home in July we were there to visit family, but a large part of why we went when we went was to celebrate my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
50 years of marriage. Isn't that amazing!!!
I can't even begin to tell you how thankful and blessed I feel to have parents that love each other and are committed to each other. Talk about security and a great example!
Their marriage has been such a godly example to me of God's design for marriage.
One man.
One woman.
So in celebration of this grand event we did what most red blooded Americans do and we threw a party!
Me with my parents, and siblings...
Tons of friends and family stopped my to celebrate the happy couple...
My sweet friend Lindsay- was so good to see her!...
Thank you Mom and Dad for allowing me to grow up in a home where I knew that my mom and dad loved each other and were committed to the vows that they made before God and one another. I'm sure there were times when it would have been easier to throw the towel in and call it quits, but instead you made a decision to remain committed and faithful. Thank you for respecting the importance and the permanence of marriage.
Marriage is magnificent and glorious and often mysterious, and I'm so thankful you showed me the importance of fighting for it and enjoying it as the special gift from our loving creator that it is.