Forever ago we held Ruthie's birthday party.
It was a girly, vintage inspired, outdoor tea party with fancy attire preferred and finger foods and lemonade for all. And of course cake- A Giant. Pink.Cake.
Each girl received a bag of goodies with their name on it that doubled as place settings.
I basically stripped my house of decorations and took them all outside for this shindig. Nothing but the gift bags and the goodies in the gift bags were purchased (and the food of course).
We served turkey and cheese on croissants, cheese puffs, veggies, and lemonade in mason jars.
No girly party would be complete without a ginormous pink cake- Ombre for the win!!!
Little Sister was in sugar-coma bliss- No nap, all the sugar she could hold- it was like a dream come true. When the melt down finally came I knew the party had been a huge success- lol.

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