H-man is getting so big.
He started crawling over the past few weeks. Eight months old. I can't even wrap my mind around it!
He is so cute and funny. A mouth full of teeth and the worst napper on the planet...not cool.
His big brother spoils him rotten and is turning him into a spoiled monster who thinks he has to be held around the clock.
But that face though...
Little Miss Thing is into everything. Why do they call it the Terrible-twos? It should be the into everything and too much energy Threes. She's so funny though, and might be the friendliest child ever. I hope she stays that way forever.
Those eyes...
Love her...
Why is he wearing this vest? It's like 100 degrees outside. So strange.
I took this girl for ice cream the other night and it basically took her like an hour to eat a bowl of ice cream that was about half the size of mine. I asked her why it was taking so long and she told me she wanted to savor every bite. It's like she's her father in a female, younger, smaller body- bizarre.
He just crawls around making messes the whole way.
Summer of Awesome is turning out pretty awesome.
However, I'm not actually getting any of the things I originally set out to do done.
We finally got certified to Foster and we've had three babies all under three weeks old in our home over the last few weeks since summer started.
Right now we have a sweet baby girl. Please pray for us as we walk this path God has brought us to.
Pray that:
-We will be the family she needs right now and love her the way God has called us to love.
-Her family will receive the help that they need, and that hopefully we can love on and encourage them in the process.
-For her to continue to be healthy.
-For our own children to embrace her and to love her without any holding back.
-Most importantly- For God's will to be done and for us to obey and trust that His plan is always best no matter what.
So obviously Summer of Awesome has taken on a different look than I originally planned- Less reading and sewing and more diaper changes and bottle feedings. But ultimately I hoped that this summer would be Summer of Sharing the Gospel. What a better platform to open conversation with tons of people- than when they look at me like I'm crazy for having two babies under the age of one and three others for a total of five kids.
"Hey person- it's a God thing. Let me tell you how awesome He is."

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