

The Many Faces Of Baby Girl

It's been so fun watching Baby Girl grow each day.

She's such a happy baby.

Of course- much like her mama- she has her moments.

I blame mine on hormones.

I don't know what her excuses are.

I love it when she's alert and happy...

But sometimes a girl just has to let people know what's up...

And then there are times when confusion sets in and a girl just has no clue what's going on...

And then there are those times when you have a slightly herniated belly button and your mama writes a smiley face on your tummy and uses your belly button as the nose...

But lately there have been a lot of these moments...

As Baby Girls mama- I'm super thankful for these times. 

All of them.


  1. I laughed out loud at the confused face! I think that's probably how I look going through life :) Just a little confused in the midst of all of the chaos!

    1. haha! I've spent alot of my life time with that look on my face too I think!
