

Picture Fun

My kiddos got this super funny wig from their Nana at Halloween, and Little Miss decided she wanted to dress up and wear it the other day.  Little Man decided it looked like so much fun that he had to test it out too.
I mean what kid doesn't like to dress up right?. 


With the wig on they look just alike don't they?


And of course I couldn't pass up a chance to take this little ones picture...

She's eight weeks old and still having a little trouble keeping those eyes straight and focusing with them.  The older two think it's pretty funny when she goes cross eyed!

Look at those cheeks!

She was 6 lbs 6 oz. at birth and she's already 10 lbs. 

She's like her mama and she enjoys her meals!

I want to pinch her sweet, chubby cheeks!

By the time we got to the group shot- Baby Girl was OVER IT!

How gorgeous is this quilt that my wonderful mother made for Baby Girl!

Little Miss is sick right now.  Baby Girl got RSV and managed to give a cold to me and Little Miss.  She's running a low fever, coughing, and CRANKY!

We start spring break this weekend so of course someone's sick (thick with sarcasm).

I'm ready for her to start feeling better so I can see this sweet smile again...

Little Man started soccer this week.  He's pretty stinkin' good at it and super fun to watch!

We went to his Parent/Teacher Conference this week and his teacher told us that he's reading at the sixth grade level!  Crazy Town!  He's only a second grader!!!  He's so his father's child!  He's handsome like his Daddy too!

I think I hear the Laundry calling my name.  I've ignored it as long as I can.

Have a great night!

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