

My Lunch

So First of all I just want to let you know that I FINALLY uploaded my items into my Etsy Shop!
It feels so good to have it done!  Now I can start working on some other fun stuff to go in there!
I'd like to apologize now for my photography.  I see all of these great blogs and part of what makes them so appealing and wonderful is the beautiful photography.
I'm just going to go ahead and tell you- I'm an amateur photographer. 
Although I'm sure you already put that much together on you own.
I have a great- fancy camera- but I also have NO idea how to use all of it's fancyness.  My hope is that some day my husband will read the manual and teach me all of his knowledge.  However- so far this has not happened so I'm starting to think it may not ever.
So if you want to laugh at my feeble attempts at fancy pictures that's okay.  Just don't let it determine whether or not you come back to visit me here at The Purple Clad Jewel.
With all that said...Here is what was for lunch today-  And to tell the story- My fancy pictures:
Feel Free to OHHH and AHHH all you want. 
I know right?!.
That white background is the top of my washer and dryer- HA!

Since I had a baby 2 weeks ago I have finally decided it's officially time to start counting those calories.  So today's lunch came in right around 450 calories.

1/4 avocado- sliced
2 scrabbled eggs w/ sliced red pepper
handful of kale and spinach- sauteed
3 sliced mushrooms- sauteed with greens
salt, pepper, and cumin to taste

All thrown into a whole wheat tortilla.

It was pretty stinkin' tasty, and best of all I didn't feel completely gross after eating it like I do when I eat stuff that isn't healthy. 

It's nice to be on the right track with my eating- For me and for little Baby G (Baby Girl- who nurses).

Feeling Good and 10 lbs- GONE- Here I come!

My hubby also introduced me to this way cool app for my phone called My Fitness Pal.

Have you heard of it?

It asked for my info and then told me how many calories I'm allowed each day to reach my goal of losing 1 lb per week.

Then it lets me log everything I've eaten each day and then tells me the calories for each item.  It tells me how I've done getting all the nutrients that my body needs, and it tracks your weight each day.  You can share it with friends so you can have accountability partners. 

It also tracks exercise and subtracts those calories from your calories you take in.

It's pretty nice and sure beats writing everything down!  Yay for saving trees- right?!.

You should check it out and then come back here and let me know about it- and then we can share our goals with each other and be online accountability partners!  It'll be awesome!

I got The Purple Clad Jewel's Facebook Page up and going today- So go check it out and share it with all your lovely friends-

You can find it HERE!

You can also follow me on twitter @purplecladjewel - I had the drop the "The" because it was too long- bummer- I know.

I leave you with some Baby G eye candy- she's so sweet.  However- she is about to kill me with all the being awake from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. each morning!  Good things she's so cute!

Have a Happy Day!

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